ESTJ (Gold/Blue) Careers
actuary◆administrative services manager◆auditor◆business owner◆chief information officer◆chief financial officer◆compensation and benefits manager◆efficiency expert ◆executive◆insurance claim examiner/underwriter ◆human resources manager◆management consultant◆managers of all types[construction, database, factory, financial institution,hospital, hotel, office, industrial production manager, sales, etc.]◆insurance agent/broker◆project manager ◆purchasing manager/agent◆real estate agent ◆sales/sales manager[tangible products] (accurate memory for details, bottom-line and cost-oriented, well-developed administrative skills, need for order, give clear directions).
accountant◆bank officer (all types) ◆financial analyst◆financial advisor◆financial examiner◆investment banker◆stockbroker◆venture capitalist(efficiency, observant of details, moral certitude and appropriateness,low tolerance for unconventionality).
Computer/Information Technology
computer analyst/security specialist◆information system manager◆net-work administrator(good memory for details, efficient, solid administrative skills, keep things orderly and on track).
athletic coach/trainer◆business professor◆school principal/administrator◆university president◆vocational teacher (administrative skills, respect for “the system,” common sense, thoughtfulness, practical experience).
Health Science
dentist◆medical and health service manager◆pharmacist◆optometrist◆primary care physician(accuracy, keen observation of details, practical and measurable work, organizational skills).
Law/Law Enforcement/Government
compliance officer ◆corrections officer◆division manager◆firefighter ◆investigator◆IRS agent ◆judge◆lawyer [particularly administrative, criminal, corporate, employment, energy, real estate, product liability, securities, transportation] ◆military officer ◆police officer◆security consultant/guard (respect for rules and procedures, good administrative skills, observant of details, fact-oriented, boldness).
Science Research, Engineering, Mathematics
civil engineer◆geologist (respect for clear procedures and rules, high standards, respect for contracts, sense of appropriateness, drive, ability to make tough decisions).
carpenter ◆general contractor◆electronic repair ◆mechanic ◆pilot◆plumber ◆surveyor
Zichy, S., & Bidou, A. (2007). Career Match : Connecting Who You Are with What You'll Love to Do. New York: AMACOM.