ISTP (Red/Blue) Career


business owners of all types◆financial securities trader [stocks, bonds, commodities, foreign currency options] ◆advertising promotion manager/sales agent◆executive recruiter◆financial advisor◆health/safety specialist◆insurance adjuster/broker/claim examiner/investigator ◆investment banker◆marketing manager◆industrial production manager◆risk manager◆purchasing manager/agent ◆sales representative ◆sales manager◆stockbroker◆wholesale and retail buyer (autonomy, making fast decisions, variety, and attractive money-making potential).

Computer/Information Technology

programmers◆software engineer/applications◆hardware engineer◆support specialist◆information systems analyst◆security specialist(apply technical expertise to immediate and practical problems).


actor/performer/dancer◆business manager◆performer and artist◆film/TV camera operator◆director stage/motion picture/TV◆media specialist◆photographer◆film/TV/talk show host/producer◆special effects technician◆talent director (use of creative talents in team settings).

Health Science

clinical lab technologist◆paramedic◆respiratory therapist◆sports medicine specialist◆surgeon◆obstetrician◆gynecologist(focus on observing concrete details of the body and practical methods for getting well).


chef ◆cruise director ◆casino/club manager◆tour agent (frequent small crises requiring pragmatic response, motivation of others especially through humor).

Investigative Work

detective/investigator◆insurance fraud investigator◆intelligence specialist, (detailed visual memory, ability to size up problems).

Law/Elected Politics

lawyer[especially in criminal, election, entertainment, financial services,litigation, trial, product liability] ◆lobbyist◆mediator ◆negotiator ◆politicians at all levels (flexibility, ability to persuade, adaptability to the needs of voters).

Law Enforcement/Government

ballistics expert◆corrections officer◆FBI agent◆firefighter◆forensic science technician◆military officer◆police officer◆tax revenue agent (acute visual memory, need for variety).

Real Estate

land developer◆property manager◆real estate broker (interaction with people in a fast-moving business).

APA (American Psychological Assoc.)
Zichy, S., & Bidou, A. (2007). Career Match : Connecting Who You Are with What You'll Love to Do. New York: AMACOM.