I offer a host of different webinars on management, leadership and organizational effectiveness that can be offered to the entire department or organization. Each seminar is an hour in length. Seminars can be expanded to 1/2 day workshops or packaged together and offered as an ongoing learning series.
Organizational Effectiveness Seminars
Boosting Your Performance with Positive Psychology - Positive psychology is the study of what is "right" with people, rather than focus on what is "wrong" with them. By cultivating a different strengths-based mindset people experience higher levels of performance and engagement. This seminar introduces key concepts that underlay many techniques of positive psychology that can help anyone boost their performance.
Target Audience: All
Career Development - Fulfillment with one's job and career has such a huge impact on one's sense of well-being and purpose. Too often however people feel that developing their career is job of their manager, or their employer. This seminar explores proven strategies in empowering people to be more proactive in developing themselves and their career.
Target Audience: All
Time Management - Traditional time management workshops talk a lot about time wasters, “Stop those nasty interrupters” is their mantra. It is as if we could just shut out all the people in our lives we could get more work done and be more effective. Really? Working and managing in an organization is about working with people, through people. There must be more to it. One of the keys to managing your time is understanding or innate orientation to time. In addition, methods of prioritization and the use of technology will be explored.
Target Audience: All
Body Language -Studies have shown that messages we send with our gestures, body movements and facial expressions are more powerful than the words we use to communicate. And yet how aware are you of the unconscious messages you may be sending to your team? Communication is one of the most fundamental skills managers need in order to be effective. Without knowledge of the hidden tells of the body you may be getting in your own way.
Target Audience - All
Brand You - Most of us don’t really think to deeply about our own reputation or "brand". At best we hope people will like us, think us competent and good at our job. Brand is what people expect when they work with you. Without being conscious of building your brand it is either built unconsciously, not built at all. This seminar empowers people to become more proactive in building and maintaining their personal brand.
Target Audience: All
Structuring and Effective Presentation - Effectively presenting to an audience is a great way to have an impact, and influence decision makers. Doing it well can even advance your career. Do it poorly and you become ineffective in advancing your agenda. Wile some people fear giving presentations more than death, most people have experienced death by PowerPoint. What are the key ingredients to presenting content to an audience? can you structure your talks for maximum impact?
Target Audience: All
Leadership Development Seminars
Leading Through Change -Many of the changes that we face, planned and unplanned, can leave people feeling confused and unsupported, resentful and demotivated. --- All at a time when our strength, creativity, and motivation are needed more than ever to keep business going, to keep our families going, and to keep ourselves going. This seminar will introduce you to a set of techniques to help you manage the human side of change. This program will provide you with tools for disengaging people from the old ways of doing things. It will give you new support techniques to get yourselves and your people through the entire change process and help you adapt to new ways that change demands.
Target Audience: managers/supervisors/aspiring managers
The Role of the Leader - What does it mean to lead? What is leadership? Is it a quality of a selected few? How can you be a leader? If so, how? What do people expect in their leaders? What’s the difference between leaders and leadership?
Target Audience: managers/supervisors/aspiring managers
Management Development Seminars
Accountability - Working with someone who isn't accountable is maddening. Even though you may clearly agreed on a course of action the person doesn't follow through or hold up their end. What to do? At the same time "accountability" is often cited in the press and news media. So often people say “we need to make people accountable for XYZ”. They make it sound as if accountability is about blaming people and threatening them. Uh? There’s got to be more to it. And indeed their is.
Target Audience: managers/supervisors/aspiring managers
Developing Your Employees- Do your employees ever not meet your expectations and you're not sure what to do? Do you not know how to talk to your employees about their development? In this seminar I explore different models for professional growth and development. You'll leave the seminar equipped to have better development conversations with your people.
Target Audience: managers/supervisors/aspiring managers
Coaching for Managers- As a manager, learning coaching skills is your ticket to higher performance. Do it well and not only will your employee's performance skyrocket, but likley earn their deep respect, gratitude and loyalty. Coaching for development and performance is the bridge between a good manager and a true leader.
Target Audience: managers/supervisors/aspiring managers/leaders
Giving Effective Feedback Giving effective feedback is not easy. On the one hand, how can you let your employees become aware of shortcomings in their performance without killing their motivation? And on the other hand, there are times when it is crucial that your employee know the seriousness of the situation and that you give feedback that is clear and doesn't gloss over important issues.
Target Audience: managers/supervisors/aspiring managers/leaders
My Blog
Interview with Youtuber Lorzeno Leite November 7, 2019
Limiting Beliefs: The Road to to Self-Sabotage October 30, 2019
Being a Successful Through Presence September 4, 2019
What is Success? September 1, 2019
Strengths to MBTI Converter 2 October 19, 2017